Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Decision

People talk about change, but I don't want to change, not exactly.
I want to grow, to overcome, to fulfill.
In order to be who I was made to be, I have decided to really, truly work to loose 100 pounds this year, 2013.
I don't know if I will, I don't know if I'll get too sick again, but I'm going to try, and each week I am going to post my efforts here.
Maybe someday this spot will be used for other stuff, but for now, it's to help me grow and fulfill my destiny.
Hahaha, I'm a very over dramatic person, I guess you can tell.
So as of now, I am 5'4'', and weight 260 lbs.
I can't work out for a few weeks because of a recent car accident, but this is how I will start:

  • I will drink three glasses of water more than I want to.
  • I will eat smaller portions.
  • I will try to go to bed before 12
  • I will eat more veggies
  • I will say "No thanks," every other time I am offered snacks or treats
  • I will NOT graze (this'll be the hard one!)

So this is just a start, but I think I can manage that this week. Most of it is what I have already been doing, but I want to start gentle, and build a lifestyle, not just a temporary weight loss.
So, people of the internets! Wish me luck!